If I live in Indonesia, maybe I can join the class or other NCC activity..hiks..but I live in Singapore :( Not so far from Indonesia but make me missed all the activities. What I do only read what they did...The newest NCC BIG EVENT was yesterday in jakarta. All NCC member together made a new record. They made 2020 cup cakes (target only 2008 cup cakes) in one hour....*woow* --> see complete article here (in bahasa Indonesia)
I'm proud as a NCC member...( plok...plok...plok....let's give them applause )
I only read what they did? No..no..no..Ok, NCC Singapore has to have a baking event together. and...the same day as a big NCC's event in Jakarta...Yesterday,Angel (also a member of NCC ) and me were doing Baking together..( what? only 2 ?...where is the others NCC Singapore member ???? Mbak Intan, Mbak Lisa..where are u?.dan yang lainnya pada sibuk kali ya, gak pernah bales email..)
Only 2 members (included me)..but It's so fun... this is NCC spirit....BAKING and BAKING :)
Almost 5 hours, we made Japannese Cutton cheesecake, swiss roll and Nastar.. hmm Yummy...
( Hayooo..NCC member yang lain ngiri gak?..Ayo kapan ngumpul-ngumpul bikin kue bareng.....
Angel, sering2 aja latihan dirumahku ...oleh-olehnya banyak bangeeeeet....Thank u ya....
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