For Kaastangels, I took the recipy from Mbak Reni's blog. The recipe itself belongs to Bu Fat-NCC. It's delicious...You have to try it...
Here's the recipe :
KAASTANGELS - Bu Fat recipe
200gr butter
100gr margarine
200gr Edam Cheese, scrapped
400gr Top Flour
2 tbs milk powder
2 yolks
2 yolks
1 tbs cookie glaze --> you can change with 1/2tbs whipccream
Cheddar cheese, scrapped
Method :
- Heat oven at 120Celcius
- Beat margarine,butter, and yolks with low speed around 20-25 seconds
- Add edam cheese and flour, mix until well blended
- Take a bit dough, make squere pattern. the thickness around 1/2cm
- Glaze with yolks mixture
- Spread cheddar cheese on it..
- Put on the baking pan.
- Bake it around 20 minutes..
Kaastangel, Resep bu Fat
200gr butter
100gr margarine
200gr keju edam parut
400gr tepung terigu (rendah protein)
2 sdm susu bubuk
2 butir kuning telur
Bahan polesan:
2 butir telur
1 sdm cookie glaze ( 1/2 sdm whipcream)
Cara membuat:
- Panaskan oven 120Celcius
- Kocok mentega, butter dan telur dengan kecepatan rendah selama 20-25 detik
- Masukkan keju dan tepung aduk rata
- Buat adonan berbentuk kotak2, poles dengan bahan polesan, taburi keju cheddar.
- Oven selama 20 menit
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